Ep. 07 Baby-Making & Art-Promoting

Episode 7 is a Kelly show!

Yes, my lovely friend Kelly Gordon of LoveWellBlog.com is back in the co-host seat. In non-recorded-non-podcast conversations with Kelly, we spend a lot of time giggling and a not small amount of time being serious. That’s the way today’s show is - plenty to laugh about before we answer some somewhat tough listener questions. 

SHOW NOTES (available at SortaAwesomeMegan.tumblr.com):

1) Periscope and some of Megan’s favorites on there:

Jon Acuff

Amanda Muse



World Vision USA

2) Kelly’s flowers!

3) All about the ENTP

4) Spirit-Led Parenting: From Fear to Freedom in Baby’s First Year

5) Robin Plemmons

6) Madeline L’Engle’s Walking on Water

Find Kelly on her blogTwitterFacebook, and Instagram!

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