Ep. 438: What we've been learning lately: Volume 2

Even though life never seems to slow down on slinging new lessons and learning at us, sometimes WE need to slow down and process it with a friend. Today, Meg and Kelly have a fantastic conversation about what they’ve been learning lately and from redefining awe to finding new understandings of love (and its opposite!), there’s something for every Awesome in this discussion!

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Kelly’s AotW: Salsa Verde Chicken and Rice Tortilla Soup

Timber Hawkeye (@BuddhistBootcamp) on Mayim Bialik's Breakdown

Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life by Dacher Keltner

Dacher Keltner on the show Kelly produces at MPR

Soft M& M Cookie Bars Recipe

Ep. 437: Feeling the vibe: Harry, Taylor and the power of collective effervescence
Ep. 433: We’re obsessed: products we’re loving, hating and wanting right now!
Ep. 429: Nom Nom for us, Awesomes!
Ep. 434: The awesome guide to Trader Joe’s and ALDI

You can find Meg on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram!

Find Kelly on Twitter , Instagram and on her website!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us in the Sorta Awesome Hangout on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram, and @sortaawesomepod on Twitter!

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