Extra Awesome: Ditching the day job to follow your passion with Nick Clark

Today we are releasing the first episode of the Extra Awesome bonus episode series! Megan asked musician Nick Clark of the band Progger to join us on the show to talk about how he went from being a semiconductor engineer to a full-time musician in Austin, TX. Nick's story is fascinating and full of joy, and we hope it is inspiring to you today.


Texas State University Bobcats
SXSW music festival
Bryan Donohoe and Snarky Puppy
The Funky Knuckles

Progger in studio recording Strut:

Find Nick at @ncbassphysics

You can find Megan on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

Visit sortaawesomeshow.com for show notes on this and every episode. And don’t forget to find us on Facebook or @sortaawesomeshow on Instagram!